Welcome to Our Marketing Solutions!

At Our Marketing Solutions, we understand the importance of creating a compelling pull for your business with the right and cost-effective strategies. Whether you are an MSME, a new entrant entrepreneur, a multinational company, or an SME, we act as your dedicated launching pad to help you soar to success.

Working with the client at a senior level, we carry out a formal marketing plan development process, which begins with internal and external audits. From the audits, we are able to identify key priorities and based on these; develop strategies and detailed, costed communication and activity plans to help meet business and marketing objectives. The four Ps are product, price, place, and promotion. They are an example of a “marketing mix,” or the combined tools and methodologies used by us to achieve marketing objectives.

Our powerful marketing technology platform delivers a Hub that has a wealth of features to enable the day to day operation and management of the Marketing Support Service.

This can include collateral personalization and ordering, website content management, real-time Campaign results reporting and also become an important marketing reference  location for corporate identity guides, logo and font downloads, case studies, customer profiles, marketing research and much more…

Brand development is complex. We can help growing businesses to evolve and develop their brand position. From this, we can help to create a clear corporate identity which then forms the basis of all brand communications – both externally but importantly also internally. This identity forms a cornerstone from which we can achieve a consistent and relevant tone of voice that underpins everything from advertising to collateral to digital marketing and drives messaging, copywriting, imagery and media.
An effective, responsive, results-oriented website portfolio is increasingly one of the brand’s most important considerations and investments. We have designed, developed and delivered over 1,000 websites and we employ this experience together with our leading technology skills and platforms to ensure your website portfolio is built to be both effective and beautiful. Content management must be flexible, intuitive and able to support essential brand control. Image editing and copy content editing along with real-time responsive testing are key components of our online solutions.
We are good at bringing your brand personality to life through creativity and high quality design. Our creative team will develop campaigns, collateral and communications that deliver results. Our approach is often innovative but always realistic and cost-effective. Importantly, once developed, networks and franchises can leverage centrally invested work by delivering it quickly to local markets and partners through the Marketing Support Hub.
In support of your brand position and marketing activity, our comprehensive media & journalist database now includes key online bloggers. Build a targeted audience, quickly and easily send important news and announcements and then measure and monitor response and uptake via our reporting dashboards.

On the other hand, traditional marketing uses print and traditional forms of media, including television commercials and billboards. Below you’ll find the different marketing types that fall under these two broad marketing categories.

1. Content marketing

Content marketing is an effective inbound marketing strategy that educates and engages customers by helping them find information about your products, brand, or industry online. Examples of content marketing include:

  • Blogs
  • Organic social media posts
  • E-guides
  • Video

Content marketing aims to provide your customers with the information they can use to make a purchasing decision.

2. Social media marketing

Social media marketing is sometimes considered a small part of content marketing. However, many marketers believe social media is a stand-alone marketing technique worthy of more attention. Social media is a cost-effective marketing tool that can help you increase engagement with your audience, educate consumers, and sell more products.

There are many different ways to market on social media with different platforms to choose from, and some will be more effective for your marketing goals than others. For example, B2B businesses typically get better results on LinkedIn and Facebook than on Instagram and YouTube. Meanwhile, more visual businesses, such as e-commerce businesses, get better results on Instagram and Facebook. However, you can reach your audience anywhere if you have a good strategy.

3. Influencer marketing

Some may consider influencer marketing a subset of social media marketing, while others consider it a separate strategy. With influencer marketing, businesses can leverage the relationships influencers and thought leaders have already made with audiences.

Because influencers are thought leaders in their industries, they have gained a level of trust many businesses never will, so their followers are likely to listen to product recommendations. As a result, influencer marketing can help your brand earn more exposure, boost brand awareness, and increase sales.

Influencer marketing is commonly used in B2C, particularly for e-commerce businesses. However, B2B companies can also take advantage of these popular marketing methods if they find a thought leader in the industry with a large enough following.

4. Search engine marketing

Search engine marketing (SEM) includes all types of marketing that use search engines like Google as their marketing tool. Search engine marketing typically encompasses 2 digital marketing strategies.

  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Have you ever wondered how your competition is in the highest spot on Google search engine results pages (SERPs)? The answer is SEO, a marketing strategy that optimizes website content to help you increase your rankings on search engines.
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising: PPC is another search engine marketing strategy that helps your business website appear on SERPs. However, your website will appear in the paid search results section instead of organic results, located at the top or bottom of the SERP. PPC requires you to pay per click, while SEO focuses on organic traffic. Both are effective ways to bring more traffic to your website.

In recent years, SEM has become associated mainly with PPC, and SEO has become its own separate strategy. So if you’re discussing options with a marketing agency, ensure you clearly understand the type of SEM they’re referring to.

Any type of business can benefit from SEM because many people use search engines as their 1st stop when trying to research solutions. Therefore, a B2B company selling software and a B2C e-commerce company can use SEM to improve their reach and increase website traffic.

5. Email marketing

Many companies use email marketing because it’s highly effective. Email marketing requires marketers to send emails to customers and prospects to increase sales and help customers through the sales funnel easily. With high conversion rates come high returns.


Email marketing requires you to get people to subscribe to your emails, which may take work if you haven’t already started growing your list. Even so, once you have subscribers, you can send them all sorts of emails and drip campaigns consisting of new product releases, abandoned cart reminders, and even newsletters to help them through the funnel. Before you start building out your emails, learn about the customer journey for email marketing to discover how automation can help you increase sales.

B2B and B2C companies can use email marketing and automation to improve their sales process. While B2C marketing emails will focus more on quick transactions, B2B companies can use automation to supplement the sales process and keep more prospective customers in the pipeline.

6. Public relations

Public relations (PR) is a type of marketing that can help build your business reputation in the media. Public relations builds beneficial relationships between your company and the public through earned media to manage a business’ image and reputation. Ultimately, PR aims to position your company or an individual from the organization as a thought leader in a particular industry, increasing brand awareness and trust among the public.

While all businesses can benefit from managing their reputation with the public, robust PR strategies are best for larger businesses that are often in the news. However, local PR can benefit local businesses if they have something newsworthy to share.

7. Print marketing

Print marketing is the use of print media to generate brand awareness about your company. Print marketing includes advertisements in magazines, brochures, and billboards. Print marketing is not something you can effectively measure, even though there are some methods for ensuring your efforts perform well. For example, print marketing can promote your product or service within a small geographic range, or you can aim for national publications to get more brand awareness across multiple areas.

Print marketing can be effective for any type of business. However, you must target magazines carefully. For example, B2B businesses may choose to advertise in trade magazines, while B2C companies can target consumer magazines with a wider, less specific reach.

8. Direct mail

Direct mail marketing works similarly to email marketing, but instead of sending information to your digital mailbox, it sends print materials to your physical mailbox. The print pieces can contain much of the same information an email can, including CTAs and incentives. Unfortunately, direct mail may not be as effective as email marketing for your business since many people will consider it junk mail and toss it into the trash without actually reading the information you send them. Therefore, your offer to customers must be clear to make them take the action you want.

Direct mail is another example of a marketing strategy that any business can use. For example, a local spa might send city residents direct mail to promote discounts, while a B2B company will send their mailings directly to businesses rather than residential homes.

9. Television and radio

Everyone has seen or heard commercials. Television and radio commercials have evolved over time but remain effective marketing strategies for businesses. Unfortunately, these advertisements can be expensive, so they’re not ideal for small businesses. If your business has the money to spend, it’ll need to get creative to make people act.

Franchise and outlet events bring customers and the brand together for experiences, demonstrations, testing and buying! Our Event Support can deliver

Franchise and outlet events bring customers and the brand together for experiences, demonstrations, testing and buying! Our Event Support can deliver